
Collaborative projects

What's STAM ?

Services and Tools for Advanced Metrology (STAM) is a project led by a consortium composed of actors from the world of metrology and
researchers with the aim of designing a platform for reviewing measurements made with connected tools.


  • Achieve a demonstrator in the field of dimensional metrology. 

This field has been chosen because it is the one for which the company Deltamu has the largest amount of data. The demonstrator will consist of a prototype usable by a pilot customer in a defined field, dimensional metrology. At the end of the project, STAM will propose hardware and services (uncertainty evaluation, process characteristics evaluation, estimation of the risks linked to a decision) in « real time », which will lead the user to a more relevant decision. The equipment will take the form of add-on modules, implemented on the pilot customer’s dimensional measurement equipment. These modules will communicate the measurement and its context to software and mass databases, which will then send back to the user a decision aid.


  • Identify and implement the tools to crystallize a community of metrologists around the STAM demonstrator so that they feed it with data (measurement means, measurements, context, etc.).

The project sets challenges to each of the participants, in his field of competence, (security and speed of communication and information processing, veracity and structuring of databases, community development, …).


Jean-Michel POU – Deltamu

Thierry YALAMAS – Phimeca

Pascal BRASSIER – CleRMa

Farouk TOUMANI – Limos

Dominique LESTANT – Cluster Auvergne Efficience Industrielle

Steny SOLITUDE – Perfect Memory


Legal notice

The operation « Demonstrator Services and Tools for Advanced Metrology » is co-financed by the European Union in the framework of the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).