A solution, features, and updates designed to better meet your needs. Stay tuned for the latest!

Question your recurring practices in Data and Asset Management... and discover astonishing answers!

  What ensures seamless deployment across any platform or work ecosystem?

Cross Platform Deployment 

No matter which environment you work with, we fit right in!

Combine as many search criteria as you want, you will get the exact sequence of video or audio in which they all appear at the same time. And this, without having needed to identify this sequence upstream.

A real gain in operational efficiency thanks to the unique intersection of data entered by your teams, AI and other tools in your digital ecosystem.

#Workplaceflexibility #Effortlessintegration #Scalablesolutions #Platformagility

What orchestrate AI for smarter use and better results?

Cross-AI Orchestrator

AI can’t be systematic;
AI must be a smart choice.

Our agnostic platform integrates and adapts to any AI provider, but only when it’s relevant, necessary, and truly makes sense for you.

From visual analysis to transcription, translation, and beyond, we orchestrate AI collaboration with your existing data to turn your assets into actionable knowledge.

#AIorchestration    #SmartAI    #Agnosticsolution    #Seamlessintegration

  How to make complex search (super) easy?

Cross Semantic Search 

Find easily and precisely any part of content from your media library

Combine as many search criteria as you want, you will get the exact sequence of video or audio in which they all appear at the same time. And this, without having needed to identify this sequence upstream.

A real gain in operational efficiency thanks to the unique intersection of data entered by your teams, AI and other tools in your digital ecosystem.

#Dynamic #Precise #AdditionalTag #Semantic #MultiSearch #NamedEntities

How to make hidden information actionnable for all users?

Contextualized Semantic Reasoning

Find relevant content, no matter how you express it

Thanks to our semantic reasoning technology, our platform deduces information, based on business inference rules.

One single data can bring a rich network of implicit information, semantic reasoning makes it explicit, multiplying the entry point to the content.

#DatavsInformation #Concept #Inference #Ontology #KnowledgeGraph

How to be really confident about data integrity?

Source Traceability Tracking

Our source traceability tracking specifies each linked information and tag origin

(manual, AI, live logging and others).

Tracing every data and content source enables you to master your ecosystem data overview.

By revealing conflicts at a glance, it becomes easy to manage your content and take right decision about accuracy.

#ContentReliability #RightDecision #TagsOrigin #MultiSources #TrustTheProcess

How to transform data into knowledge without dev skills?

Data To Knowledge Elevator

Easily import any kind of data into the solution 

Building your Knowledge Graph template according to your common model (ontology) becomes child’s play thanks to its intuitive and visual approach.

All you have to do is modulate the blocks directly in the plateform. All of your ingested data will be transformed into the Knowledge according to your template.

#NoCode #EasyGraph #ContextAdaptation #BuildYourKnowledgeGraph

What could be the key for flexiblity in media management capabilities?

Media Timeline Explorer

Tailored for seamless navigation across your content 

Efficiently manage various temporal content types directly from the timeline. Indexing, searching, making specific sequence references, selecting multiple parts, ingesting logs, handling subtitles, segmentations, and linking entities for documentation are all seamlessly achievable actions within this visually intuitive interface.

Offering deep customization, you can effortlessly select navigation layers, optimizing relevance based on your business context and needs.

#Transversality #PlayfulNavigation #ExplorationStakes #QuickIdentification #MomentsSpotting

How to gain insights at a glance for impactful decisions?

Dynamic Asset Dashboard

Revolutionize the way you manage your business

With a dynamically adaptable dashboard with data representations customized to any query, users can easily analyze data to get instant, insightful metrics, helping identify business challenges and improvements.

The functionality is fully customizable with a no-code approach and based on your business model.

#VisualMetrics #InstantOverview #DataDrivenDecision #CustomizableCharts

How to manage content like never with Reasoning AI?

Business Inference Rules

Industrialize your content exploitation with our “business inference rules”

Tailored to your needs and specific business context, this feature can explicitly infer information, optimizing your content access and recommendations or alerting you with critical related information thanks to Reasoning AI.

Our user-friendly interface is specially designed for daily use, ensuring effortless control.

#KnowledgeGraph #ReasoningAI #LinkedContent #Insights #InterconnectedAssets #Ontology

How to elevate your editing experience?

Adobe Premiere Extension

The Perfect Memory extension for Adobe Premiere revolutionizes video editing workflows.

It enables content search directly into Adobe interface, easy one-click import of selected items, supporting both high and low resolution files.

Integrating our panel directly into Adobe Premiere improves operational efficiency and user-centric experience.

#BinWorkflow #SeamlessIntegration #EasyImportation #FastProcess

How to master your data supply chain?

Dynamic Workflows Manager

Easily orchestrate the processes for your ingests and exports, and customize provider selection according to your business conditions.

Set up your workflows efficiently with a low-code approach and monitor their execution in real-time with intuitive dashboard overview. Manage dependencies and automate everything (including AI processes).

Every parameter, every rule, every process, is knowledge graph-based, ontology-driven, unifying in a standard and meaningful way your data and content supply chain.

#OntologyDriven #BPM #ProcessOrchestration #AIModules #LowCodeApproach #Scripting

How can you make it easy for partners and clients to access your assets?

Cognitive Management Storefront

Highlight and promote content effectively with a fully configurable homepage. 

Organize your highlighted themes and topics with dynamic collections. Your entire asset catalog is accessible with advanced search capabilities, including automatic video previews on hover, enhancing content discovery.

Our clipping tool enables users to quickly browse, select, and order any piece of content . Secure order management enables your moderators to manage content delivery taking in account specific rights usage.

#Expose #Index #Find #Distribute #Monetize

Related use cases with Trouvé™



Manage and monetize media content for major international events
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Turn your archives into brand storytelling
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Enhance content visibility and collaboration



Accelerate production and audience engagement

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